
One guest
6 videos (or more)
their selection

Every month we invite a guest to present their selection of six videos that exist online and that revolve around a subject of their choice, a favourite genre, a personal take on things or an obsession. Go ahead, take a look around our archive.

Jun. 2011
Jerónimo Hagerman

The Power to Dance

Looking for videos of politicians dancing, I was surprised to find that they are quite scarce, and that the few that are online tend to be quickly removed.
Could it be that seeing them dancing makes them appear much more human, and undermines the image of their power?

Boris Yeltsin: First President of the Russian Federation, in 1991

Jacob Zuma: Current President of South Africa

Trevor Mallard: Member of Parliament for the New Zealand Labour Party

Schwarzenegger: Ex-governor of California, USA

Michelle Obama Vs. Barack Obama: Current President and First Lady of the USA

Nikolay Fedorov: President of the Chuvash Republic