
One guest
6 videos (or more)
their selection

Every month we invite a guest to present their selection of six videos that exist online and that revolve around a subject of their choice, a favourite genre, a personal take on things or an obsession. Go ahead, take a look around our archive.

Nov. 2009
Semolinika Tomic

In our times, invention-innovation-is rare or almost inexistent in the exploration of languages that involve movement and the human body, or actions based on everyday life-the basics-without trying to be anything else... or at the other extreme, revolutionary discoveries.

But what really concerns me is THE STRUGGLE. The day-to-day fight, and not many people fight for the common good. Everyone is engrossed in their own story, their stuff, their own benefit, their family, their art work. Right! Their art work! Who are we doing it for?

do we just want somebody to watch us perform? Stupid, right?

I find it incredible that we live in a world controlled by a system that for the past 100 years could have given us ELECTRICITY and INTERNET, and most importantly, WIRELESS, OPEN and FREE thanks to NIKOLA TESLA. Every day, every fucking day, I go over and over it in my mind... it even keeps me awake at night... looking for ways to fight the system, from within... to fight fascism, of course. I'm a born fighter... "mucha caña"... people say in Spanish... I was born in the country of Josip Broz Tito (ex Yugoslavia), which fought fascism and Hitler, mountain by mountain; and then he did politics in-between two systems that were born out of staged revolutions. Just one example: the October revolution was a set-up, paid for with money, in order to create the figure of the enemy and keep society subject to strict control for a long period of time, through fear and hatred between two poles. With the fall of the Berlin wall, they changed the new world order again. Well, Tito was between these two poles, playing with both of them. He was good at it. In Yugoslavia NEARLY everything was free, including the arts. Music, dance, theatre and the plastic arts were part of the educational system.

Here in Spain, I think progress will be made little by little thanks to only a FEW people and projects, carried out for FREE, not politicians, by questioning and fighting for cultural policies and strategies in the city that favour equality and opportunities for all, with transparency, and shared, accessible and connected information. Creating physical or virtual spaces of Resistance and Survival of their own (or personal) ideas, alive, critical, controversial and different, and allowing them to develop in all their stages and needs. The most important thing is to offer support and take maximum risks, accepting all responsibility for anything that may happen. Anything.

That's why I chose a series of old videos, because I haven't found any new ones that GO BEYOND these subjects. But these same issues or ideas are constantly repeated, even today. I only ask one thing... of those of you who want to watch some of these videos... most of them are in English... watch them to the end, at least the one on Nikola Tesla... be patient. I'm a very emotional person... every single bloody time I watch it, I cry. What I'm saying is true, it's no lie. I cry at our BACKWARDNESS in everything.

I'm going to quote one of the most important men in the history of the planet: NIKOLA TESLA

"The day science begins to study non-physical (spiritual) phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. We all must have an ideal to govern our conduct and insure contentment, but it is immaterial whether it be one of creed, art, science, or anything else, so long as it fulfils the function of a dematerialising force."

To the Teatron team: I am deeply grateful for all the work and effort you put in to maintaining this channel of communication and free information alive in such a sadly lacking context as today's performing arts scene.

Specially for you, also from Tesla:

"I may be a dreamer or maybe I'm deceiving myself... But if I achieve at least one of my ideals that will be the benefaction for all mankind."


Nikola Tesla- The Forgotten Wizard

About Paul McCarthy

Paul McCarthy talks about early Works

Stelarc - The Body is Obsolete - Contemporary Arts Media

Hermann Nitsch: Aktionen 1962-2003 - Kurzfassung p1

Gilles Deleuze ? On Pastoral Power