— MuroTRON

Ultraficción nr. 1 / Fracciones de tiempo, de El conde de Torrefiel, en Wiener Festwochen

9-12 de junio,  Wiener Festwochen

While an impromptu rave party is staged in a forest. While flight attendants seek to mask their nervousness with professional smiles. While 80 people on a boat from Tripoli to Italy harbour all manner of hopes. While all of this appears to be unconnected, the passage of time turns the disparate into something concurrent. With Ultrafiction No. 1 / Time FractionsEl Conde de Torrefiel, consisting of director Tanya Beyeler and author Pablo Gisbert, has pieced together a mosaic of fragile stories. And yet the ‘stage’, as a framing setting, is missing. Instead, there is a ‘meadow’. In the midst of nature stands a screen, and sound is heard. Then twilight falls, and surroundings familiar just a moment ago a moment ago become somehow unsettling in the unreal real grey. The artificiality of stage devices comes into focus all the more clearly. The transformation of reality into fiction sets in. Trees begin to dance. And it is in the mind that the theatrical plays out.

Más información: web de Wiener Festwochen