Spring Movement 2017
CPR Center for Performance Research will present Spring Movement, a three-night festival of works by 12 emerging and established choreographers in dance and performance, April 13-15, 2017 at 7:30pm. The festival will include new and previously presented work that spans dance, movement-based work, and performance art. CPR is thrilled to announce the participating artists for Spring Movement 2017:
April 13:
Nia & Ness
Jess Goldschmidt
EstadoFlotante|Alvaro Gonzalez Dupuy
April 14:
Gabrielle Revlock
Abdiel Jacobsen and Kelsey Burns
HAM | Amélie Gaulier-Brody, Dages Juvelier Keates, Rain Saukas and Alexis Steeve
April 15:
Stuart Meyers
Naomi Elena Ramirez
Lucy Kerr
Tristan Powell
Center for Performance Research
361 Manhattan Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11211
718.349.1210 | studio@cprnyc.org
More info: http://www.cprnyc.org/spring-fall-movement/