The Humping Pact is a mission based project by Diego Agulló and Dmitry Paranyushkin. It is a pact between two friends that share the secret perversion of conquering spaces multiplying themselves all over the image and eroticizing reality while simulating the sexual act.
The project started in 2011 during the residency at PACT Zollverein, Essen, Germany. Since then we have continued the mission in the cities of Berlin, Copenhagen, Liepaja (Latvia), Brussels, Dro (Italy), Vienna and Frankfurt. Berlin Mission coming soon!
The Humping Pact Trailer von diegoagullo
The Humping Pact is a suspended act of affirmative persistence. It is an aesthetic meditation on the human desire to believe in the futile and to conceive the impossible. Our coming together is a tribute to dysfunctional spaces that still emanate creative potential. We attempt to build an intimate and personal relationship with space in the most efficient way, being loyal to its demands and dedicated within our efforts. We want to celebrate the human body that is convulsed by the desire to inspire.
The Ecuation of The Humping pact
The Humping Pact can be described as the following ecuation:
Z → Y = X
Z= Naked bodies.
→ = Intentionality of the action, quality of the movement.
Y= Space, background, lanscape, building.
X= New composition, new scene of the Humping Pact.
Y, the space, is what is given, what we find already there while the components Z and → are brought by our intervention on that space.
During the constitution of every new single landscape (X) the 3 components are susceptible of variation:
Z can variate each time that we invite a new body, but generaly it is always our two bodies (Diego and Dmitry). What remains the same is the element of nudity.
→ has been primarily the action of humping on its multiple variations and it is affected by the other components, Z and Y. Z can affect → on the different ways that each specific body performs the actions of humping. But it is Y what most affects the variations of → . The nature of the space, the history of the building, the form and physical qualities of the landscape, the architectonical aspects of the background define ultimately the final quality of the intentionality of the movement. This variations allow the project to exhaust the wide spectrum of qualities on which the action of humping can be unfolded.
Y variates on every new composition (X). There is no new composition without a new location.
During the post production and editing of the scenes the components Z and → are digitaly processed. Z will be multiplied and → will be looped in a repetitive movement.
At the end a new scene (X) will consist on a physical intervention of naked bodies (Z) multiplied across a space (Y) and performing in loop the action of humping with a certain intentionality on the movement.
Support the Pact:
We rely on your contributions to keep humping. Our mission is to travel the world and give attention to all the places that demand it. You can join The Humping Pact by becoming a producer or a supporter of this work below. We will then invite you to our humping missions around the world and every supporter can join in one of the videos or propose a landscape that needs some persistent meditation on transcending the futility of dedicated simulation. Anonymous contributions are also possible, just specify that when you make the payment and we will never reveal your identity.
Exhibitions and Current Events
19 Juni: Screening of Vienna Mission at Alles muss raus! BRUT Theater, Vienna.
15 Juni: Exhibition at ART POR WEEK at Mind Pirates, Berlin
9-10 May: Mousonturm Frankfurt Mission.
9-10 March: Imagetanz 2013, BRUT Theater Vienna Mission.
October-November 2012 /// Beursschouwburg new season opening, Brussels (also live performance on the 5th of October 2012).
7 June 2012 /// Vienna Shorts Film Festival, Vienna, Austria
21 May 2012 /// Goteborg Dance and Theater festival, Goteborg, Sweden
28 April – 30 April 2012 /// 58th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Oberhausen, Germany. Official selection.
24 February – 6 May 2012 /// The Ultimate Image video installation from The Humping Pact project. The Spring Exhibition 2012, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark.
23 February 2012 /// Live performance at Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
19 August – 11 September 2011 /// The Humping Pact installation (4 screens) at the “Love for the Real Thing” exhibition curated by Anna Czaban at Arsenal gallery, Poznan, Poland.
30 April 2011 /// The Humping Pact live performance at Creature Feature event curated by Jeremy Wade at Basso gallery, Berlin.
18 March 2011 /// For the Time Being festival at Flutgraben (Kunstfabrik)
23 February 2011 /// The Humping Pact video showing at PACT Zollverein center for performance art and choreography.
Video: THe Humping Pact: Spanish Parliament (Congreso de los Diputados)