Workshop Hansel Nezza & Anna Capacés
Del 20 al 23 de Junio 2011
••English version below••
Es un workshop abierto a performers, bailarines, actores, músicos, escenógrafos para trabajar y profundizar en el estudio de la fisicalidad, romper el patrón físico que encarcela al intérprete, descubrir un nuevo cuerpo dúctil, un cuerpo creativo, abierto al juego escénico. Explorar la disponibilidad del cuerpo a dibujar y componer el espacio.
A través de un trabajo de improvisacion y composición, combinado con herramientas de teatro físico, Contact Improvisation y un entrenamiento físico guiado (base yoga).
El workshop se desarrolla tanto en un espacio cerrado, studio, como en un espacio abierto. Explorando, hacia el final del taller, el espacio público como espacio performativo.
(Creación de la performance INTER.FERIR en un espacio abierto)
Abierto a performers, bailarines, actores, músicos, escenógrafos.
Fechas y lugar: Sant Celoni (Barcelona), del 20 al 23 de Junio del 2011
de 10h. a 15h.
Precio: 110 €
Workshop Hansel Nezza & Anna Capacés
From 20 to 23 June 2011
Workshop opened to performers, dancers, actors, musics and scenographs, focused and to deepen in the study of physicality, breaking the physical patterns that imprisons the performer, discover a body ductile, creative, open to the scenic game.Explore the possibilities of the body to compose and draw in the space.
Through a work of improvisation and composition, combining physical theater tools, Contact Improvisation and a guided physical training (yoga base).
The workshop takes place in studio and in the open space, exploring, by the end of the workshop, the public space as a performative space
(Creation of the performance INTER.FERIR in an open space)
Dates and place:
Sant Celoni (Barcelona) , from 20th to 23rd June 2011
from 10h. to 15h.
Price: 110 €

Hansel Nezza
Founder of MARABULA barcelona • berlin where works as artistic director and performer.
Diplomated in Performing Arts at Estudis de Teatre Barcelona, based on Jacques Lecoq’s pedagogy (Stefan Metz, Merche Ochoa, Hans Richter, Montse Bonet, Berty Tobías, Lilo Baur).
Drama with Manuel Lillo and Txiqui Berraondo and with Argentinean director Javier Daulte.
Movement and Space Dynamics Laboratory Studio with Ángeles Císcar.
Also formed with Cia. Raravis, Iñaki Azpillaga and Germán Jáuregui (Vandekeybus/Última Vez), Frey Faust, Kirstie Simson, David Zambrano, Susan Klein and Jordi Cortés. Workshops with Juan Kruz de Garaio Esnaola, Jeremi Nelson, Julyen Hamilton and Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods among others.
Joined Siamb in the creation of pieces with an intense physicality with Ramon Roig and Linn Johansson. Artistic director of Taller22 Barcelona, space for arts creation and experimentation. Joins the street artistic intervention project PIPOLJAFDEPOUER, by Anna Capacés.
From 2007 works between Barcelona and Berlin. Works in the production FROM TO by Davide Camplani|Sasha Waltz & Guests. Since 2009 working with Constanza Macras|Dorky Park.
His last piece, CAMARA OSCURA, was presented January 2011 at Mercat de les Flors, Bcn.
Hansel Nezza does workshops for the cie MARÀBULA, for several companies, and in Spain, Germany, Mozambique and SouthAfrica.
Anna Capacés
Diplomated in Performing Arts at Estudis de Teatre Barcelona, based on Jacques Lecoq’s pedagogy (Stefan Metz, Merche Ochoa, Berty Tobías Peter Gadish, Anne Dennis). Drama with Manuel Lillo and Txiqui Berraondo/ Workshop Stage creation with Stefan Metz and Lilo Baur. / Voice with Anna Subirana. ( 1997-2001).
Co director of Taller22 Barcelona, space for arts creation and experimentation.
Workshop with Julyen Hamilton. Space and silence at l’Animal a l’esquena / Actor in front of the camara with Esteve Rovira. Direction in the scenic dramaturgy with Magda Puyo. (2009-2011).
Performing with Unics Produccions at Poliorama, teatre-forum with Teatracció, with fonds from the Diputació de Barcelona, performances at C.C.C.B, Hangar… among others. Musician in Kitou and Liannallull.
Directs the pieces Bienvenido Fernandito, Coses de parella? and the documentary Pipoljafdepouer, about the project developed through several happenings in the street, among others.
Theater teacher and pedagog, directs in Sant Celoni the pieces El Pacte and La cua (2009-2011).
More info: lapocafarinaproduccions@hotmail.com • +34.635.425.376