Taller con Graeme Thomson y Silvia Maglioni: «UIQ in Love, a Love of UIQ»


Black Tulip organiza este finde en Espacio Practico un taller con los artistas que rescataron el guión de ciencia ficción de Felix Guattari «Un amour de UIQ». Como da la casualidad de que he leído el guión y soy un gran fan, me he apuntado y aprovecho para recoméndarselo a todo el mundo. Es una oportunidad única para explorar la relación entre ciencia ficción, arte y filosofía así como de trabajar la potencialidad en relación con una partitura (el guión). Copio la información aquí abajo:

«Entre el 15 y el 17 de noviembre del 2013 tendrá lugar en ESPACIO PRACTICO un taller con Silvia Maglioni y Graeme Thomson.

El horario será de 16h a 20h el viernes 15 y de 10 a 14h el sábado y el domingo.

El taller se impartirá en inglés y tendrá un precio simbólico de 15 euros que se reinvertirán en materiales para este seminario. El pago se hará presencialmente el primer día de taller.

En colaboración con el MACBA y asociado al proyecto “Arte y ciencia ficción: estrategias de potencialidad” de Black Tulip, Silvia Maglioni y Graeme Thomson presentarán “UIQ: A Space Oddity” el sábado 16 de noviembre a las 19h en el MACBA.

Para inscribirse en el taller mandar un e-mail  a blcktlp@gmail.com.


UIQ in Love, a Love of UIQ

Between Translation and Transduction

In this workshop we would like to consider Félix Guattari’s sci-fi screenplay Un Amour d’UIQ as an unstable, potential entity whose being and becoming must be negotiated through an ongoing process of translation and transduction. Taking as our starting point Pasolini’s essay on the unfilmed screenplay as a ‘structure that wants to become another structure’, we will look at ways in which the subject of Un Amour d’UIQ folds upon the problematics of the script’s own desire to become a film. In Guattari’s script an invisible alien force from a parallel dimension – the Infra-quark Universe – makes contact with a group of humans and begins to desire a communicable form (a face, a body) for itself, commensurate with the world of its hosts.
Among our desired aims would be to ‘produce’ multiple versions of this becoming-film collectively through a process of contamination/contagion, to translate/transduce the script’s DNA into mental images, descriptions of which will constitute the components of a virtual ‘screening’ of the film in progress. This work will inevitably touch upon the delicate matter of the rewrites and revisions to which any screenplay taken up by a producer is exposed, but which in this case is countered by the
claims of Guattari’s corpus. The translation/transduction of the script will additionally involve looking at potential transpositions of its temporality (the 1980s) together with its cultural, political and linguistic context, in relation to the transducers and their fabulated histories or futures.

Graeme Thomson & Silvia Maglioni
Graeme Thomson & Silvia Maglioni are Paris-based filmmakers whose work interrogates potential forms emerging from the ruins of the moving image and whose practice also includes the creation of photo-essays, sound and videoinstallations, lecture-performances, eventworks, radio shows, tube-tracts and books. Their first feature film, Facs of Life (2009), draws on encounters with a number of former students of Gilles Deleuze, navigating between the terrains of documentary, fiction and essay to explore aspects of Deleuze’s philosophical legacy. In Search of UIQ (2013) unfolds the story of Félix Guattari’s lost science-fiction screenplay, Un Amour d’UIQ, through a series of fabulations and spectral re-enactcments, also considering its rapport with key social and political transformations of our time from autonomist struggles to the digital recoding of life. The duo are currently working on a new film project, Disappear One, which sifts through the filmic and literary wreckage of a fatal Transatlantic crossing.     http://cargocollective.com/terminal-beach»

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