De petons.

Penso amb petons.

Maneres de fusionar-se amb altres coses, maneres de transmetre amb una simple acció. Conceptes d’una acció. Que veig? Que diuen els cossos en les seves accions?

Petons bonics, suaus, lletjos, desagradables…amb gust a tabac, amb gust a menjar, sense gust, de dematí, etc.






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Shooting «3 ways to master a kiss or a twentyfiveminutes kiss at your neck»




Aitana Cordero Vico trained as a dancer and choreographer in Madrid and at the School for New Dance Development (SNDO) in Amsterdam. She finished her Master in Choreography and New Media at Dance Unlimited in 2008. In the same year, she was awarded a DANCEWEB Scholarship to take part in the ImpulsTanz Festival in Vienna. Aitana’s fascination with bodies is very evident in her work, which often deals with intimacy, power and sexuality. She makes live work as well as installations and video dance projects.

And she needs help!
And she needs help!
kc nOna is looking for 100 ‘kissers’ for a project by Aitana Cordero
3 ways to master a kiss or a twentyfiveminutes kiss at your neck is the latest project by the Spanish choreographer Aitana Cordero.

3 ways… will consist of two parts, a choreogrpahy and a video-installation. For this video-installation Aitana Cordero is looking for 100 volunteers to kiss. The idea is simple: you will be kissing a strange woman in front of camera. No more, no less.

Who? Everyone can join, children, grown-ups, teenagers… male or female.
When? 10 minuts work on Sunday January 31st, between 3pm-8 pm & Monday February 1st 2010.
Where? kc nOna, Begijnenstraat 19, 2800 Mechelen.

Feel for a kiss? Want some more information? Contact –                 +3…        .

3 ways to master a kiss or a twentyfiveminutes kiss at your neck will open at the nO new artists festival (4 -13 March 2010 – kc nOna)

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