19 February somewhere in Antwerp

A golden dog is looking at me, a pink candle is showing off, the coffee remains drinkable, the window is dirty, outside is wet, the sweater that I have underneath is annoing, there’s several pieces of paper on the floor outside, a small biscuit next to the coffee is flirting with me, people from outside is looking inside, the golden dog has the eyes at the same spot where has the ears, people is using umbrella but isn’t rainning, flowers are dying next to me, a girl got lost searching for the toilette.

I would like to drink the coffee slower, feel until the last bean that lives in my mouth before the next zip.

Now is rainning.

People from inside looking outside, directions, smalls cameos, long cameos, people alone or by couples, I’ll put my camera recording…and people stoped to pass through.


Wonder if the whole world could fullfilled all the empty spaces that we have.

Crowded spaces against empty spaces.

Transparent umbrellas against a house with a big windown in the sealing.

A allmost empty coffee against a alllmost full coffee.

The first trio passed through after 15 minutes of watching…a boy with his parents.

…summertime…first acords…

I’m going alone if I go by/with bike?

A old women smoking alone against a father smoking next to his son.

A kid crashed with a tree because it was playing with a video game. The mum kept walking.

Wonder if I should remember this present.

the first person outside that pays attention at the tree in the middle of the street. He walked arround for a while with the hand on the pockets.

A kid did a unconscience granjetté..suspended and without weight.

If I could stop the time, but keep moving my actions.

People become special if LOOK at them

Wonder if my mum it’s also alone now.

The gates are open.

I’ll see people in the reflection of the glasses but nobody is passing through.

…moloko…bells are giving the chorus to the song…

People getting married on a rainny Friday in February?

I guess, the bar in front is cheaper, but it doesn’t have this window.

A guy walking try to fix his underwear while at the same time is speaking to his friends.

Humans are the maint character of this world? Of this moment?

I know that if you would be here, I wouldn’t write anything like this.

I would never weard a white suite with white shoes.

( I love you without missing you?)

I could never crossed out «I Love you».

A guy biking and smoking.

Here is forbidden to smoke, but I guess also bike.

A men is counting the meters of the street. One step= One meter.

Eventhought I don’t know them name, people passing through are somebody.

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