Report del programa «La Malla. Tendències» de la XTVL sobre el festival VAD. Inclou una entrevista amb Santi Vilanova, coordinador del taller d’escenografia interactiva, Alex Serrano de l’agrupació Sr. Serrano i autor de ContraNatura, i amb Núria Font, Premi Nacional de Dansa 2009 i directora del VAD.
Escenografia_Interactiva @ VAD
Reflexus from Santi Vilanova on Vimeo.
Game made of realtime samplings, experimental performance where time links the relationships between interactive audiovisuals, word and gesture interpretation. Delays, repeats, poliphony and other sound concepts applied to digital poetry.
The main idea behind Reflexus is the image and word deconstruction through immediate past acces, stored in a computers memory in an audiovisual format. This temporal fragmentation enables the actor to strike up a conversation with himself, the superposition of multiple copies of what’s happening in scene, or the sense inversion of gesture and word the actor pronounces, everything linked through the use of a broken watch leitmotiv.
This project begins, promoted by Eloi Maduell, in the scenic arts laboratory held at the IDN festival, 2007 in Barcelona, where the core of the software tool is presented as an installation format under the name of Playmodes. During 2008, as a collaboration with Santi Vilanova, Reflexus begins to take form. Finally, together with Jordi Teixidor, scenic and text concepts are applied to the scene, orienting the Playmodes project, in this very first stage, towards gesture and word.
Reflexus was presented by the first time at Barcelona’s Casa Elizalde Cultural Centre, in the framework of Videoart Loop Festival in May 2008.
Eloi Maduell: Video
Jordi Teixidó: Action
Santi Vilanova: Sound
Escenografia Interactiva @ LabFàbrica
Interactive Scenography Lab from Santi Vilanova on Vimeo.
The interactive Scenography Lab proposes the creation of theatre scenes by mixing new media with classical stage design.
The workshop is oriented to video-makers, musicians, scenographers, engineers or spectacle technicians who are willing to spend some days contributing with their creativity and experience. Some of the resources are based on audio, video, design, robotics, lightning and interactive technologies as well as scene design and the wit of participants.
The main goal is to realize some sketches on a little scale which mix together all these disciplines.
The workshop is divided into 2 weeks of work. One, in a Celrà’s LabFàbrica classroom, and the other one in the Teatre Ateneu of Celrà.