VOLUMEN 2 EN NUEVA YORK (U.S.A) / 6 de mayo 2009

Estaremos en Nueva York el dí­a 6 de mayo. En el Baryshnikov Arts Centera las 20 horas.

Performers Sofí­a Asencio and Nilo Gallego
Directed by Tomí s Aragay
Dramaturgy by Tomí s Aragay and Sofí­a Asencio

Volumen II is a performance. With no set, with no narrative. Just a bare, naked performance in which body and movement blend together. A woman is dancing, although she does not seem to be following the music played by DJ. Both dancer and musician create a very special performance packed with contagious energy in this latest piece by Tomí s Aragay and Sofí­a Asencio, two choreographers known for astonishing audiences and critics alike with their irreverent mixing of genres.

Ha salido esta crí­tica en el NEW YORK TIMES sobre Volumen2 al dí­a siguiente de la actuación.

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