Archives for posts with tag: open call

-convocatoria abierta-

Paz Rojo, dentro del marco OCUPACIONES / La Porta, nos invita a experimentar durante un fin de semana la pregunta ¿qué, para qué, quiénes, dónde, cuándo, cómo nos vivimos en la tensión entre la individualización y la necesidad de lo colectivo? El escenario en el que ubicamos esta pregunta es en la relación entre las nociones de cuerpo, ocupación y marca. [leer más]

Cuándo: sábado 14 enero de 12.00 a 18.00 horas y domingo 15 de enero de 12.00 a 17.00 horas.
Dónde: La Porta__casa, C/ Sant Germà 5, 3º, Barcelona – Metro Plaza España
Estos dos días se articularán en castellano y, en caso de que sea necesario, se facilitará la traducción en inglés.

Open Call : Residencies from January to June 2010 at Pact Zollveren, Essen – Germany

PACT Zollverein runs a residency programme, for the development and realisation of projects and productions, which is open to professional artists from Germany and abroad, working in the fields of dance, performance or media art. Awarded twice yearly by a jury, residencies provide artists with rehearsal space and local accommodation. By arrangement and subject to requirement, PACT Zollverein also offers its residents technical support and advisory assistance with press and public relations and dramaturgy.

The closing date for applications is June 15th 2009 (post-marked).

A residency can incorporate the following:

– Studio space (from 63 to 173 sqm)
– Technical stage rehearsals (with technical supervision and support)
– Daily professional open class
– Local accommodation
– Specialist advice in: project funding, project management, press and public relations
A residency project will not necessarily have a public showing.

Applications must include:
– the completed application form
– a short letter of motivation
– a project description
– a 10 line summary of your project description
– curriculum vitae for everyone involved in the project
– 1 DVD/CD-ROM of your own work

(Please do not send the material via registered mail or by e-mail!)
All complete applications submitted by this date will be considered and replied to in writing. Successful candidates may be asked to attend a preparatory talk in Essen.

Please note that it is unfortunately not possible to return your application material to you.

Residencies 01 – 07/2009
Anne-Linn Akselsen (NO/B) / Adrián Minkowicz (ARG/B), Ariane Loze & Rebecca Lenaerts (B), Anna MacRae (NZ/AT), Bruno Pocheron (F/D), busy rocks – Franziska Aigner (D/B), Fabián Barba (EC/B), Marisa Cabal Cabeza (ES/B), Tuur Marinus (B), Gabriel Schenker (BR/B), Christine Niehoff (D), Claudia Lichtblau (D), Isabelle Schad & Simone Aughterlony (D & NZ/CH), Jefta van Dinther (S/NL), Kaya Kołodziejczyk (PL/B), Niko Hafkenscheid (B), Petra Sabisch (D), Sara Manente (IT/B), Stephanie Thiersch (D), Vera Tussing & Albert Quesada (D/GB & ES/B)

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