— HelloWorld!

Realidad aumentada

"De como un electricista municipal puede sabotear los adornos navideños."


Vía Contradicciones.

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VideoMappings Inmersivos (Realtime projection mapping for Sony PS3 Video Store).

Vía Peripecio.

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CAMARA OSCURA by Ángeles Ciscar & Hansel Nezza from MARABULA on Vimeo.

Cámara Oscura is an interactive video-dance installation that has as model of presentation the dark chamber optical device.
A small group of audience enters in a dark chamber.
In the middle of the room there is an horizontal 190 cm. circular screen.
The image that its shown reveals a constellation of points in constant movement.
A character observed from upside is revealed, developing a choreography, a movement sequence, relating with another character, etc.
Moving the position of the screen up or down we can focus the different characters of the constellation, discovering the relation between them, their differences and building narrative links between the different characters in the image.

Cámara Oscura es una instalación interactiva de video-danza que tiene como modelo de presentación a público el dispositivo óptico de cámara oscura.
El público entra en grupo reducido en una estancia oscura.
En el centro de la habitación hay una pantalla horizontal y circular de 190cm.
La imagen que vemos en ella nos muestra una constelación de puntos en constante movimiento.
Vemos un personaje desde arriba que desarrolla una coreografía, una secuencia de movimiento, se relaciona con otro personaje, etc.
Moviendo la pantalla de arriba abajo podemos ir enfocando los diferentes personajes de la constelación, descubriendo la relación entre ellos, el carácter de cada uno y estableciendo nexos narrativos entre los diferentes personajes de la imagen.


Original Idea: Hansel Nezza & Ángeles Ciscar
Performer: Hansel Nezza
Photograph direction: Aitor Echeverría
Video edition: Gemma Pastor
Soundtrack: Ricardo Wheelock & Marc Mateu
Software design: Alex Posada
Engineer and technical coordination: Bartosz Zygmunt
Structure: Ben Heinzel Lichtwark
Production: Agnes Forn
Assistant production: Marisol Sánchez

more info: marabula@marabula.com
facebook: facebook.com/​marabula.marabula
website: marabula.com

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No se los pierdan.

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Here is the first test of my "Magic Projection" system out on the streets in Tokyo. "Magic Projection" is my new augmented reality projection tracking system created for use in my magic stage performances. Have a look and let me know what you think.

Special Thanks to: Zachary Lieberman for his C++ wizardry and for creating OpenFrameworks. Thank you to Danjel van Tijn for his arduino and Wii engineering. Also Parte Koishi, Shingo, Teddy, Lisa, Shige, Miki, Masayo, Chika and all at Empire Entertainment Japan for helping me on location in Tokyo. Makiko-sensei for programing me in Japanese. Johnny Chung Lee for his inspirational work with projector based tracking and to all people creating amazing free tools available to artists everywhere: OpenFrameworks, OpenCV, Arduino, MacCam.

Para Guillermo y Enrique.
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Cómo no, Zachary Lieberman está detrás de esta mano. En octubre esperamos tenerlo como profe en los talleres de HelloWorld!

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