28/2 y 1-3/3 – AMARANTA VELARDE – Against Architecture V.#2 Estrena
★ 28 Febrer i 1-3 de Març 28 Febrero y 1-3 Marzo 28 February & 1-3 March 28 Février et 1-3 Mars★ | |||
AMARANTA VELARDE «Against Architecture V.#2» ESTRENA durada / duración / duration / durée: 50 min nous llenguatges del cos HORARIS HORARIOS SCHEDULES HORAIRES
![]() Against Architecture V.#2 Co-producció de l’Antic Teatre / Adriantic Against Architecture (original) |
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Against Architecture V.#2 és una nova versió de la coreografia de Bruno Listopad Against Architecture (2009). Amaranta Velarde es gradua en CODARTS, Holanda en el 2004 y des de llavors treballa intensament amb Bruno Listopad entre altres coreògrafs. Es trasllada a Barcelona el 2011, on desenvolupa la seva activitat com coreògrafa/intèrpret i segueix treballant amb altres artistes com Anna Kontzesky, Camilla Milena Fehér, Joachim Robbrecht i Aitana Cordero. Bruno Listopad és un coreògraf que ha estudiat dansa i art. Ha rebut diversos premis com el Prix Volinine, Prize Ribeiro da Fonte, Amsterdam Encouragement Prize i Philip Morris Art Prize. |
Against Architecture V.#2 es una nueva versión de la coreografía de Bruno Listopad Against Architecture (2009). Amaranta Velarde se gradua en CODARTS, Holanda en el 2004 y desde entonces trabaja intensamente con Bruno Listopad, entre otros coreógrafos. Se muda a Barcelona en el 2011, donde desarrolla su actividad como coreógrafa/intérprete y sigue trabajando y colaborando con otros artistas como Anna Kontzesky, Camilla Milena Fehér, Joachim Robbrecht y Aitana Cordero. Bruno Listopad es un coreógrafo que ha estudiado danza y arte. Ha recibido varios premios como Prix Volinine, Prize Ribeiro da Fonte, Amsterdam Encouragement Prize y Philip Morris Art Prize. |
Against Architecture V.#2 is a remake of Bruno Listopad’s choreography Against Architecture (2009). Amaranta Velarde, one of the performers and co- creators of this duet, will revisit this choreography and adapt it into a solo. The title was taken from Denis Hollier’s book On the writings of Georges Bataille. For Bataille the edifice was an oppressive representation of a transcendent power that exerts control on its inhabitants. With this performance the term Architecture was used as a metaphor for the ‘theological’ structure of theatrical performance, in which the body of the performer is inscribed by the desires of a master that transcends the object of his creation. The work aspires to construct a parallel between the theories of The Situationist International – a group of activists who, under the direction of Guy Debord, fought against the alienation in society created by what they called ‘the society of the spectacle’ – and the despotic machinery of theatrical representation that conflicts with the performers’ aspiration to attain unity with the work of art. Amaranta Velarde graduated from CODARTSin 2004. While based in The Netherlands she collaborated extensively as a dancer with choreographer Bruno Listopad among others. Since 2011 she has been based in Barcelona, where she develops her activity as a choreographer/performer and continues to work with other creators such as Anna Kontzesky, Camilla Milena Fehér, Joachim Robbrecht and Aitana Cordero. Bruno Listopad is a choreographer who studied dance and art. He has received the award for interpretation Prix Volinine, the Ribeiro da Fonte award, the Amsterdam Encouragement Prize and the Philip Morris Art Prize. |
[…] primer fin de semana de marzo Amaranta Velarde presentó Against Architecture v.#2 (una vez más, en el Antic Teatre), un solo que es una evolución de un dúo, dirigido inicialmente […]