Summer University – PAF

The Summeruniversity 2010 will be from 30/7-8/8.

You are free to come for a longer or shorter time.

Prices in this period are 13 euros per night plus 17 euro for food per day (3 meals, coffee and wine included).

The SummerUniversity (SU) is considered to be a tool to exchange knowledge and experience actively.
You are invited to make proposals for lectures, readings, viewings, workshops, showings, classes, discussions or whatever.
You can also not propose anything.

The WinterUpdateMeeting will be from 26/12/10-2/1/11

PAF is open the whole year.

From 4 january 2010 every resident has to become member of the association PAF (for security reasons), the membership fee will be 12 euro for one year.

Esta entrada fue publicada en General. Guarda el enlace permanente.

Una Respuesta a Summer University – PAF

  1. masu dijo:

    buen sitio para trabajar sin un «para» más que estar en relación, y seguir trabajando. Por cierto, aquí sigo con el sonido de las ranas por la noche. Qué fuerte la naturaleza aquí!

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