SpringMeeting (SM) at PAF 9-15 april 2010

SPRINGMEETING (SM) 2010 9-15/16 of April 2010.

You are invited to attend this meeting.
You are invited to ask someone to come with you and to give a lecture.
You are invited to introduce shortly why you have asked this person to give a lecture about that specific subject.
All subjects and formats are possible.
You can also give a lecture yourself.

You can also not do either one of them and just attend the lectures and discussions.
You can also propose a workshop, reading, viewing, work in progress or anything else you would exchange

Stay is 13 euros per night.
Food (obligatory) 17 euro per full day.
Together 30 euro per day.
You can stay longer or shorter. Food only during these 7 days.

The finnish sociologist-economist Akseli Virtanen will give a workshop some hours per day from 11-15/4 during SM.
When you only come for Virtanen, you pay a workshop fee of 35 euro. When you come to attend the whole SM then all activities are for free in the realm of exchange of information and knowledge between the participants.

From january 2010 we also introduce a membership fee, of 12 euros per person, valuable one full year, and every resident has to sign a paper for security and liability reasons.

Send me an email to reserve.

The SummerUniversity 2011 will be from 30/7-8/8  2010

All the best for you!

Jan Ritsema/Association PAF
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