Watermill International Summer Program

Watermill International Summer Program

July 12 – August 15, 2010

The application for the 2010 International Summer Program is now available online!

Deadline: Monday, March 8, 2010

For the past 17 years, the principal activity of the Watermill Center has been the International Summer Program led by Artistic Director, Robert Wilson. This program focuses on new projects that he is developing in all areas of the arts. Each summer approximately 65 artists from over 25 countries gather at Watermill for five weeks of intense creative exploration and artistic development. The Summer Program provides a unique opportunity for emerging artists to learn from established professionals in a laboratory environment. The free interaction of students, artists, and scholars in a secluded, natural setting makes the Center unique among the world’s art institutions.

The program consists of daily workshops with Robert Wilson and his collaborators, based on new projects they are developing in theater and opera, installation and exhibition design, furniture and fashion design, film and video, landscaping, architecture, and urban planning. Lectures are given by leading artists, scholars, scientists, and authors, and Watermill participants themselves complement the workshops by leading classes for their peers in yoga, dance, theater, and their own specialized skills.

An admission committee, which includes Robert Wilson, selects participants according to their artistic ability, achievements, and creative potential, as well as their cultural and professional background. The majority of the participants are young professionals or students between 20 and 30 years of age.

Beginning in 2008, the tuition for each Summer Program participant is provided in full by the Byrd Hoffman Watermill Foundation. It costs the Foundation approximately $8,000 for each person, which covers housing, food, local transportation, materials needed for work in the Program, and the operating cost of the facility. Participants are required to pay only the costs of their own travel to New York and the Watermill Center and for items for their personal use.

Please visit the website for additional details about the program.

Applications are available online at watermillcenter.slideroom.com .

For more information on application guidlines please click here.

Those interested in sponsoring young artists, can contact the Center Director atmaria.kucinski@watermillcenter.org.

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