Un workshop fantástico en Amsterdam (agosto)


Skinner Releasing Technique (classes 6-15) & Poetry of (Instant) Dances

Summer Intensive, 2 weeks


with Lily Kiara


10 – 21 August, Mon – Fri 10-16, except Tuesdays and Thursdays! 10-14. €400

Please sign up and register beforehand for the workshops. When you contact me you will receive a message with information about payment and how to complete your registration.

Thank you.


info and sign up: info@lilykiara.nl or T: 020-6810824 (please call week days)

The workshop is in Studio Singel, 1e Nassaustraat 7, Amsterdam (Westerpark)


Skinner Releasing Technique ™ (SRT) is a dance technique in which we tune into the detailed and infinite layers of ourselves through the dancing body. It is developed by Joan Skinner. It is a technique which enhances any movement style and any activity. Alignment is approached in multi-dimensional and dynamic ways. The classes are designed to support each individual’s process in moving effortlessly and efficiently. There is an ongoing fine tuning in allowing ourselves to consciously fall into unknown creative territories, through guided imagery and hands-on partner studies. As the imagination is in direct touch with the physical body, it affects the dance in its immediacy of making.  
It is a self-propelling process, in which simply noticing and allowing, support action into newness. Awareness is developed through practicing principles of Releasing individually, with a partner and as part of the group.


These SRT workshops are classes of the Introductory course, which has 15 classes in total. This workshop includes classes 6-15.


Poetry of (Instant) Dances. In the afternoon the attention moves to composition, to the making of dances. We work with instant composition, using principles in a way that can be applied to making pieces in any way you prefer to make your work. We look at connections between the technique classes in the morning, to how it works in the body, and composition. We move our imagination, intuition, intelligence, into direct action while composing (choreographing), dealing with time, space and ‘story’.  We tune into different layers, using aspects of poetry such as time, phrasing, space between lines and words, the way poems are read, or written on the page, ways of emphasizing moments in time. We investigate how fine tuning into these different layers and aspects affect the dances we are making.


The ongoing interest is to dance with an aliveness and efficiency in the body and an inherently perceptive, available and responsive self while composing instantly. The immediacy of the imagination in the physical body, direct action and poetry are underlying areas of attention in each workshop offered.



Lily Kiara dance artist / singer-songwriter / poet / teacher. She has been making dance performances since 1989. Her solo with dance, text and songs, ‘Moving South’ has been seen throughout festivals and theatres in The Netherlands, Italy , Ireland , three festivals in Finland , in Russia , and in Australia . Among other recent dance work is the duet ‘TALK TO ME’ with dancer/poet Julyen Hamilton. Since 1995 she has been collaborating closely with light designer Ellen Knops . In 2007 she made pieces in Finnish Lapland, ‘Sit. Feast on your Life.’ and in Stockholm , Sweden , ‘The Grey Room/Come with me’. In 2008 she created a solo for dancer Billie Cook ‘Have you seen the horizon lately?’ in Australia .  She is currently working on new pieces, among which is the solo ‘Singing to use the waiting’.  Lily teaches workshops in technique and (instant) composition, and in Skinner Releasing Technique, throughout different countries. She is a certified Skinner Releasing teacher since 2001.


In 2008 her latest solo album ‘On This Ground’ released on Sibyl Sings, her new independent label for music and poetry. The album receives praising reviews and has been presented in New York in April 2008 at The Bowery Poetry Club. Earlier albums are ‘No Alibi’ (2001) and ‘SOUTH’ (2006). Lily sings and plays guitar in ‘Songs & Poetry’, a sextet with Julyen Hamilton, Michael Moore , Felicity Provan, Michael Vatcher and Joost Buis.


www.lilykiara.nl       www.skinnerreleasing.com



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2 Respuestas a Un workshop fantástico en Amsterdam (agosto)

  1. bea dijo:

    suena bien!!

  2. Quim Pujol dijo:

    Aimar, gracias por la playlista, soy fan absoluto de las fiestas populares auque hay gente que sigue sin ver su conexión con las artes escénicas (si es lo mismo!). En especial, me encanta de la patum. Se me humedecen los ojos cada vez que veo el vídeo del águila. ¿Sólo me pasa a mí?

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