Calling for International Creator Residency Program 2009

A.10) Calling for International Creator Residency Program 2009

Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and CultureWe are now calling for international creators who could perform new creative activities based on the subjects which are core of our projects such as «Art and Environment», «Cultural diversity and the activities of New Art Centres», or «Possibilities of collaboration» during their residency at TWS Aoyama:Creator-in-Residence for three months.Residency Period: January-March 2010Details: Creators who are planning to undergo cultural study or research based at TWS Aoyama:Creator-in-Residence during the above period.Financial support such as the Air Ticket Fee, Artist Fee and Per Diem whose amount is set up by the regulation of Tokyo Wonder Site shall be provided.Number of participating artists: 2Application deadline: From May 1 to June 30.For more information:

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